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Messaging Tools for Security Awareness Programs

Remember this secret to create a truly successful cyber security awareness program: A good program functions like a marketing campaign. Think like a marketer and communicate regularly with your users (aka your customers) to get them to buy what you’re selling (aka security awareness).

Frequency and repetition of messaging will lead to deeper awareness and understanding! An old marketing adage called the Rule of 7 preaches that potential customers need to see or hear your marketing message at least seven times before they take action. Your goal as a program manager should be to change user behavior so that they become Human Firewalls. Including marketing style messaging in your security awareness campaign keeps important awareness lessons and best practices at the forefront of your users’ minds, helping them make better decisions in the long-term.

Brand recognition will also add legitimacy to your awareness program. Think about it… The more familiar we become with a brand, the more often we think about it; and you want your users thinking about security awareness!

Our messaging products include a large variety of artwork that can be used for printing posters and digital signage, including screensavers. 

Artwork (Posters & Digital Signage)


Our extensive collection of Security Awareness artwork includes many different styles and messages that you can use to reinforce the ideas in your program. We are able to offer the work of exclusive artists who can easily replicate and conform to varied artistic tastes and corporate cultures.

 You can use the art in whatever way you choose for your organization, although printing posters to hang around the office is the most common approach. You can use the art for screensavers, embed in intranet applications, or anything else you can think of. Artwork is provided electronically in all standard graphic formats.











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