Training materials are the bedrock of most security awareness programs. They allow you to capture metrics, establish a baseline to launch from, and track participation and scores.
These kinds of materials include elearning modules of various types, which can serve as introductions to, or refreshers on, a variety of security awareness topics. Interactive training modules, post-assessment quizzes, and trivia games make learning fun.
Our team of experienced elearning developers work hard to create training materials that are both engaging and educational.
Our courses are a simple, reliable, and an effective method for teaching your staff the basics of security awareness (such as Data Classification and Phishing) and compliance standards, including HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and more. Our broad collection of elearning modules runs the gamut of topics and styles, so we certainly have something that works for your organization!
Choose from our large inventory of modules ranging from short and focused to more dynamic, hands-on interactions. Interactivity encourages participation and improves knowledge retention, and also results in varied run-times. The styles of interactivity will vary per module.
Active Learning
User interaction is required through learning activities and knowledge checks; content may be presented in a linear fashion, a non-linear fashion, or a combination thereof.
Decision-Based Learning
Based on the concept of test-potentiated learning, this interactive style teaches via a quiz-like format that forces the user to think through decisions, and provides information through question feedback.
Exploratory Learning
With no specified starting point, this interactive style gives the users autonomy, letting them choose what to view and when. When they’ve seen all of the necessary sections, they can move on to the post-assessment quiz in available modules.
Traditional Learning
The traditional computer-based training style; linear and passive, with minimal user interaction. Followed by a short post-assessment for tracking and completion.
Why wouldn’t you want to include fun, visually appealing games as part of your security awareness campaign? Your users will love the familiarity of our trivia games. Each trivia game includes 10 or 15 multiple choice questions on a specific subject, and has a fun, light-hearted visual theme.
Game Options
Your users will love the familiarity of our interactive games. Use them to reinforce training concepts.
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