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Reinforcements for Security Awareness Programs

Keep your messaging fresh and in the forefront of your users’ minds with content that reinforces the lessons most important to your organization.

Reinforcement content is not scored nor usually tracked in a formal way, and information is conveyed through a variety of modalities to appeal to different types of users. You will find that when you employ reinforcements successfully, users will learn about twice as much as they would from more traditional, formal training.

This type of content includes monthly newsletters, security video modules, and Security Documents.

Monthly Newsletters

Our popular magazine-quality newsletter offers you an easy way to keep your staff up-to-date on policies and best practices. By presenting important information in a non-technical, conversational tone that appeals to a wide variety of audiences, we make security awareness easy to understand (and fun to read!).

Consistency is vital to the success of any awareness program. Monthly newsletters are a proven way to reinforce and create this consistency!

Reminding users of important messages and policies each month in an approachable, fun manner will help you take strides towards establishing a strong culture of learning and security awareness within your organization, as well as leveraging more informal learning opportunities.

Now available in over 35 languages!


Newsletter Topics & Schedule

Each month, our content is written according to a list of topics we release before the beginning of each year.* This allows the newsletter to remain current while focusing on all of the important issues.

We recommend planning your entire year’s security awareness program around these topics, providing microlearning opportunities (such as posters, games, or videos) along with the newsletter. We often cover the same topics every 12-18 months, addressing them from a different perspective or angle.

* Topics are subject to change based on important infosec issues and/or to stay relevant with up-to-date news.

2024 Newsletter Topics

Jan: Healthy Security Habits
Healthcare professionals will tell you that if you want to stay healthy, you need to eat right, exercise regularly, and get plenty of sleep. The combination of those habits are proven to maintain both physical and mental health. Security, at work and at home, is not much different. This edition dives into healthy security habits that are proven to keep data, systems, and people safe.

Feb: Artificial Intelligence
If last year taught us anything, it’s that the rise of artificial intelligence will continue, and we’re only beginning to understand its impact on the world. From large language models to deep fakes, it’s vital for everyone to stay ahead of the curve of AI’s power and the security concerns that follow it.

Mar: A Journey to the Dark Web
How much does it cost to buy stolen credit card numbers and other personal information? What does the internet look like beyond the tiny fraction of what most people see? How do data breaches happen in modern, security-aware work environments? This edition addresses those questions while taking a journey into the “dark web” and exploring what it really means to harness security awareness in the modern age.

Apr: Operation Influence
A key component of social engineering is the attacker’s ability to influence their targets. Whether that involves tricking them into revealing information or sending money, the entire operation relies on manipulation and persuasion. It’s crucial that every member of an organization remains prepared for such attacks, which includes spotting disinformation and avoiding the pitfalls of social media.

May: The Personal Side of Security
While most security awareness programs focus on protecting organizations, it’s important to also reinforce the personal side of those efforts. When people relate to the lessons learned through training programs, they’re much more likely to remember key aspects. This process organically improves an organization’s overall security posture and, by extension, the health of the organization's culture.

Jun: Identity Theft Foundations
Millions of people fall victim to identity theft every year. It’s one of the most common scams worldwide and has shown no signs of slowing down. This edition reviews the power of personal information to explore how cybercriminals steal identities, and what everyone can do to avoid mistakes that lead to identity theft.

Jul: The Price of Convenience
From mobile devices to the Internet of Things (IOT), technology has ushered in a new world of gadgets that improve the convenience of life. Unfortunately, that convenience comes at price: data collection. Those gadgets require people to volunteer personal information, which inherently creates privacy concerns. This month’s issue addresses those concerns by reviewing how to take advantage of technology through the lens of security.

Aug: CEO Fraud: Becoming the Boss
Many people know how to spot traditional email scams, but what about the ones that appear to come from an executive or team leader? CEO fraud and business email compromise represent two major threats that cybercriminals leverage to steal highly confidential information and money. It’s vital that every employee gains a firm understanding of how these attacks work and how to avoid them.

Sep: Access Control
Every member of every organization has some level of access rights—the right to enter an office, to use a computer, to join a network, to view a database of confidential information. The higher level of access someone has, the greater their responsibility. The edition focuses on the fundamentals of protecting access to buildings, data, systems, and people.

Oct: The Threats Among Us
Every organization knows they need to defend against external threats ranging from social engineering to cyberattacks. But what about the threats that come from within? By addressing the three types of insider threats (malicious, negligent, and accidental), organizations can raise awareness, and demonstrate to end users how they can become assets to security, rather than threats to security.

Nov: Human Firewall’s Guide to Security
An organization’s security is only as strong as its weakest link. That’s why it’s essential to focus on the most important link in the security chain: people. This guide establishes the principles of what it means to be a strong, security-aware individual, regardless of job titles or responsibilities, and helps organizations develop a culture that prioritizes security as a way of life.

Dec: Phishing and The Art of Deception
From generic attacks to more sophisticated campaigns, phishing continues to dominate the threat landscape as the most common attack method. To defend against these attacks, every member of an organization should reinforce their understanding of the art of deception, and learn how scammers use several phishing techniques to compromise security.

Educational Videos

1-5 minute security “bytes” that cover a broad range of topics and include a wide variety of styles. These are great to use every month to keep security in the forefront of your employees’ minds.

Video reinforcements are an easy way to create informal learning opportunities for your employees. Short, focused, to-the-point, videos don’t require assessments and feel less like training and more like how your users already interact online.


Security Video Bytes

Security video bytes, like our Cyber Confessions Series, make a great addition to any security awareness training program and will give your users lots of informal microlearning opportunities!

Our current collection of 70+ security video modules are created in a broad variety of styles, from animated scenarios based on true stories to educational documentary style using stock footage. They all provide practical action items and lessons your users can apply both at work and at home.

Security Documents

Security Documents can help keep your users engaged in your security awareness training program!

The key to creating a successful information security awareness training program is to reinforce key messages as often as possible. To do this, you must catch your users’ attention and hold it. That’s where our versatile Security Documents come in!

Security Documents are standalone pages, designed to be eye-catching enough to grab employees’ attention to create teachable moments outside formal learning. These are delivered as PDFs and can be used in a variety of creative ways. You can add these pages onto any other PDF (such as a newsletter or policy document), print them out to use as flyers in bathroom stalls or elevators, or combine them to create a customized magazine on a specific subject. It’s up to you!


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